Sunday, May 22, 2011

Managed to capture some pictures with my pathetic iphone before my camera died on me. Hard Rock Cafe with the gang and my boy which was supposed to be a surprise. Failed forever, surprises.
Hi my boy, if you get to read this;
I just want to say, you mean a lot to me. You were always there for me, no matter how tired you are, you still rushed down to see me when I said I wanted to see you. Rushed down when I was worried we were going to be late for the movies. Cheered my up when my day is fucked up. Advice me on what to do. You are the one i turn too, all the time. Words cant describe how much I need you, want you. You bear with my nonsense, rubbish, mood swings and my burps. Someone like you can actually love someone like me. Hopefully you love the notebook i made for you and you enjoyed the dinner on friday. I love you.

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